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           The World Elite




            Chapter I: 2002 AD, The Return Of The Elite



   It has been a week since the demise of Ozzie, and the Elite were waiting for the day his WEAPONS emerge in 2003.  Until that day, each member of the Elite did something of their own accord.  Raine asked Magus about his once forgotten past and was left with some answered questions, however like Magus, gained new ones.  Amy started to do research on 1200 BC, for she had an interest in the time period since the Elite’s visit to the Black Omen, and in her spare time tutored Glenn.  Glenn, being dropped into a new time zone, was fascinated in learning more about the area, and urban survival, Amy who has somewhat of a soft spot for the knight, decided to tutor him in urban survival and about the great discoveries that he would experience.  After a week of recounting his life story to Raine, Magus decided to go to Death Peak and train.  Since Raine did not want Magus to just vanish out of her life, she insisted on following him. 

   First we join Amy and Glenn on the streets of Pudong, “ Well Sir Frog, welcome to Urban Survival 101!” Amy said with pride.

   “ Urban?  101?   What be these terms mean?” Glenn asked Amy.

   “ Just your first lesson.  I think we should start with street signs.” Amy said.

   “ Tis sounds simple!” Glenn said.

   “Yes, ah those green signs over there say the name of the streets.  There are some key street names that you should remember Sir Frog, the most important one being the street next to our living quarters, you now near the Temple.”

   “Aye.” Glenn replied.

   “ That is Iongxi Lu.  The next one is Huanshan Lu, that is the street the hospital is on.  Also you should learn the street we’re on now, Yincheng Lu, that’s the street the Hyatt is on, there is a good restaurant on the top, it’s my favorite.” Amy said.

   “ Ionxi, Huashan and Yincheng Lu, correct?” Glenn asked.

   “ Yes, now what are on those streets?” Amy said.

   “ Near the Temple, the hospital, and the Hyatt.  Tis almost too easy!” Glenn said.

   “ Well, there is still a lot for you to learn, and you only have one week to do it.” Amy said.

   “ Aye, the WEAPONS.” Glenn said.

   “ Well, I have to get going to the library, as a test, you have to go back to the Temple via taxi.”

   “ Aye.  Wait what be this thing ‘taxi’?” Glenn asked.

   “ Oh, well a taxi, ah, there, that is a taxi.” Said Amy pointing to one, “ Cars that have that glowing sign sticking out at the top are taxis.” 

   “ I see.  Tis a strange chariot, but reliable I hope.” Glenn said.

   “ Okay, Glenn, to get a taxi to come to you, just wave at it, and if he doesn’t see you, yell at him politely, to tell him your there.” Amy said.

   “ Ah, I see.  From there?” Glenn asked.

   “ Ah, well, he’ll ask you where you want to go, and just tell him to go to the street your on.” Amy said getting a little annoyed, but still trying to remain her composer.

   “ Hm, I see.  Well I shall see you at the Temple Lady.” Glenn said bowing.

   Amy then left for the library, “ Hm, I hope Sir Frog, finds it back to the Temple okay.” Amy thought.

   “ There be many of these ‘taxi’s’ here. I wonder if they see me.” Glenn thought waving his hand at one, “ He doth not see me.” Glenn said to himself.

   Then Glenn then yelled at the taxi, “ Halt chariot!”

   The taxi driver stopped in shock and Glenn walked up to the driver’s window, “ Canst not thee take me to Ionxi Lu?” Glenn asked.

   “ Ah, yes, Ionxi Lu, no problem.” The driver said, noticing the sword at Glenn’s side.

   “ I thank thee.” Glenn said as he stepped in the taxi.

   The driver then drove off to Ionxi Lu.  At the street Glenn stepped out then went to the driver’s window again, “ As for thy fee for thy services, I hope this is enough.” Glenn said handing the driver a gold coin (for being a knight from the middle ages such was their currency)

   “ Ah, yes.” The driver said, in a surprised voice.

   Then Glenn walked toward the Temple.  At the Temple Glenn saw Raine’s grandfather practicing his sword art, “ Thou art good sir, be you once a knight?” Glenn asked.

   “ What, oh, it’s you Glenn.” Said Raine’s grandfather (he knew of Raine’s adventure in the past and about Glenn), “ I used to be a samurai, this is my old katana, still in good shape after so many years of use.” He said.

   “ Ah, thou art a grand swordsman.” Glenn said.

   “ Hm, let me practice my form, what do you say Glenn.” Raine’s grandfather asked.

   “ Ah, not with the Masamune, but if thy hath another blade yes.” Glenn said.

   “ Oh, I do, this is a home tempered katana I once gave to Raine, she however never used the thing past my lessons, she never liked the concept of war, a wise decision none the less.” Raine’s grandfather said.

   “ Well, one round then.” Glenn said looking around to see if Raine were around.

   Then Glenn held the katana and the old samurai struck, Glenn just waved off attacks.  Then the samurai dropped to trip Glenn, and the knight leaped twenty feet into the air, then landed behind the samurai, and with lightning fast movements placed the short thin sword on the samurai’s shoulder, “ T’would seem that I am victorious.” Glenn said.

   “ Good show Glenn, you have bested me.” Raine’s grandfather said.

   After his dual with Raine’s grandfather, Glenn entered the Temple, “ Raine, Merlin, I hath retuned.  Where hath thee gone?” Glenn called out.

   Glenn headed for the living room, and saw a note on the coffee table, it read; Amy, Glenn, Magus and I have headed for 3000 AD.  We should be back in time for Christmas.



“ Well, they hath gone to 3000 AD, why?  Why unbeknownst to me.  Mayhap they went in need to be alone, I wonder?  Ah, they be not together, well, if they are, they be good at hiding it.” Glenn said to himself, “ Well, I might as well wait for Amy to return, with answers perhaps.”






             Chapter II: Two’s Company



   The Hawk had just arrived in 3000 AD, “ Well, Magus, why did you want to come here?” Raine asked.

   “ I wish to train on Death Peak.” Magus replied, “ And why do you wish to come with me?”

   “ Well, I don’t like the idea of you going to a place as dangerous as Death Peak alone.” Raine said.

   To that Magus made no answer, he just landed the Hawk, and marched to Death Peak.  At the base, Raine felt a chill, inside, “ This is weird, this place is beautiful yet creepy.” Raine said.

   Magus said nothing he just started his ascent to the first plateau, Raine followed.  After she had made it Magus said, “ Raine, we have one week to spend here, during that time, I wish to train, since I did not plan on your being here, you can do as you wish.”

   Raine could not help at being a little mad at Magus, and just continued her assent to the top of the mountain struggling under the gravity.  At the third plateau Raine discovered that Magus was not following, she looked down and saw Magus practicing his form with his scythe the Mastermune, “ Wow, Magus sure has gotten good with his scythe, his form is flawless, not even Frog can compete with that form.” Raine whispered to herself. 

   The next day Raine awoke to see Magus was on the second plateau meditating, “ Probably remembering some spell, maybe Meteo, from what Magus told me, that spell would be a definite help.” Raine thought.

   Actually, Magus was in deep thought, thinking about his sister Schala, “ Schala was my only real family; Zeal was controlled by Lavos, and my father was in Forever Zero, driven insane for some reason.” Magus thought, “ I vaguely remember the day Schala disappeared, I overheard a servant tell Zeal that Schala disappeared, and her belongings were still there, like someone kidnapped her, Zeal was angry and had her guards search the realm for her.  However, they found nothing, not even a single strand of hair.  Later, I found a note left at the foot of my bed, the note read:  Janus I have gone to a far away land, where no one can follow.  Please do not attempt to search, for you will never find me.  I have gone for good purposes so do not fret.  Farewell Janus.

-         Schala


   The note then turned to dust in my hands.  She said not to search for her, but I shall find her, one day.”

   Magus then got up and started to practice his spells, reviewing Schala’s note over and over in his mind.  “ I wonder what Magus was thinking about, he usually takes all day when he’s meditating.  Maybe he was thinking about the WEAPONS.  His mind is always on fighting, one way or another.” Raine thought.


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